1.1 Naziv zanimanja(Name of the occupation)

Njegovatelj starijih i nemoćniih lica (Nurse of older and disabled people)

1.2 Šifra zanimanja (Code of the occupation)


1.3 Struka (Occupation family)


1.4 Međunarodna kvalifikacija (International classification)


1.5 NIVO POTREBNIH KVALIFIKACIJA (Level of required classification)



2.1 OPIS ZANIMANJA (description of the occupation)

The nurse of older and disabled people provides routine personal care and assistance in activities of everyday life to persons who such care is needed due to age, illness, injury or other physical or mental state, in medical and social facilities, and in private homes. The elderly and helpless elderly person mainly works in the implementation of the established plans and practices of care and under the direct supervision of medical or health workers or professional associates. He/she is committed to others and to himself/herself, morally and ethically.

2.2 Grupa poslova / ključni poslovi / aktivnosti (Group of tasks / key tasks / activities)

2.3. Potrebna znanja, vještine i kompetencije (Required knowledge, skills and competence)

Preparation and organisation of work

  • Prepare the workplace
  • Provide personal hygiene and hygiene of work space, dressing of protective suits
  • Prepare tools and accessories, and necessities for work (medicines, bedding, towels, aids, etc.)
  • Maintain basic measures to prevent the spread of infection


  • Describe procedures for ensuring healthy microclimate



  • Choose appropriate clothing, tools and accessories



  • Develop cultural-hygienic habits, conscientiousness and orderliness
  • Has a positive attitude to the user

Operational tasks

  • Arrangement of space where old or impotent faces reside
    • Adjust the beds
    • Overlap lingerie
    • Provide a convenient position for the elderly in bed, armchair or wheelchair
    • Apply preventive measures of injury and injury
    • Room cleaning (closely related to inventory of old and disabled persons)
    • Ventilate and heat the room
    • Disinfect of the space (closely related to the care of the old and the disabled)
  • Provide assistance to the elderly and disabled persons in maintaining the body’s hygiene
    • Bath or help bathing or showering
    • Overwhelm the user, paying particular attention to the urogenital region
    • Clean the kitchen utensils
    • Follow the frequency of eliminating the chair
    • Note the appearance of constipation and diarrhea and informs the expert person about it.
    • Apply the basics of vomiting help procedures and informs the competent expert
    • Care about other forms of user hygiene (hair hygiene, shaving, oral cavity care, toothpaste, nail remedies, dentures, feet, polnoanal regions and skin to prevent decubitus)
    • Perform proper hand washing
    • Observe the basic changes in the skin and the areas of skin covered with hair and hair
    • Primary change in the skin and mucous membranes (color, swelling, bleeding) are noted and reported by professional persons
    • Visit high temperature and informs the expert person about this
    • Massage back and glutal regions
    • Store and remove footwear for the old and helpless person
  • Care for users’ social needs
    • Odlazak u kupovinu, na trafiku, u biblioteku i sl.
    • Kontaktira sa porodicom, ublažava psihičke poteškoće
    • Pruža emocionalnu podršku korisniku i njegovoj porodici
    • Razgovaranje s korisnikom o svakodnevnim temama
    • Pomaganje u gledanju televizije ili slušanju radija
    • Učestvuje sa korisnikom u raznim manuelnim igrama (šah, karte, heklanje domino igre i sl)
    • Podstiće, prati i pomaže starijim osobama u provođenju jednostavnih intelektualnih aktivnosti (čitanje rješavanje ukrštenica i sl.)
    • Go to shopping, library, etc.
    • Contact with family, relieve mental problems
    • Provide emotional support to the user and his / her family
    • Talk with the user about everyday topics
    • Help to watch television or listen to radio
    • Participate with the user in various handheld games (chess, cards, dominoes, etc.)
    • Encourage, monitor, and help older people in conducting simple intellectual activities (reading, etc.)
  • Provide assistance to the elderly and disabled persons in movement
    • Help the user to move
    • Help the user to float and wipe the lingerie
    • Classify clean of unclean laundry
    • Change diapers to immobile persons as needed
    • Specially nourish polar anal regresses
    • Help the user change position
    • Help the user to navigate through aids
  • Provide help to the elderly and disabled persons during their diet
    • Care about the customers’ meal, using the basic principles of healthy eating
    • Feed the user with the encouragement of proper chewing of food
    • Provide cured food in case of swallowing problems
    • Consider the amount of food and fluid intake
    • Participate in preparing meals for older and disabled people in the house
    • Observe nutritional problems and reports to competent healthcare professionals, advises the competent health care professional about the condition of the elderly and the disabled person
  • Provide basic medical care to old and helpless faces
    • Implement measures to prevent infection and isolation of patients under the supervision of a medical practitioner
    • Monitor and remind about timely taking of medication and going to checkups
    • Help users to take medication, with the supervision of medical staff
    • Monitor the general medical condition of the coroner, and recall the medical staff in case of complications or deaths


  • Describe health and illness, basic concepts and division of medicine
  • Describe gerontology
  • Recognize signs of aging and aging
  • Describe the most important changes in the body’s aging process
  • Describe healthy nutrition
  • Detect signs of external appearance and possible deterioration of the user
  • Has knowledge in temperature measurement
  • Recognize the basic needs of users and most often changes in the body in the aging process, and most commonly the illness of older persons
  • Describe the contents of the first aid kit, using basic knowledge in providing first aid
  • Recognize the dying and dying process
  • Apply and change the correct position, and improvise the pleasing position of an elderly and helpless person
  • Describe the basic elements of prevention of infection
  • Describe the texture and function of the human body as a whole
  • Describe physiological changes in organic systems in facial features
  • Distinguish physiological changes from pathological
  • Recognize intrahospital infections and defines preventive measures
  • Differentiate methods of desensitisation (mechanical, thermal, chemical)
  • Distinguish the basic ingredients of the diet
  • Describe the daily needs of the food body
  • Differentiate forms of medication, describes taking oral medicines and possible side effects
  • Differentiate types of sickness, clean and unclean wiping, dressing, wound dressing
  • Describe the basics about secretion of the chair, urine and other secretions from the body
  • Recognize incontinence of the chair and urine, diaper replacement, bed of incontinence, bed dressing and disinfection
  • Differentiate types of health and social institutions, house rules and specifics of institutions, definition of ethics and obligation to keep secret



  • Apply measures to preserve health and prevent disease
  • Properly arrange and cuts the bed
  • Help the user to move or move with aids
  • Help the coroner when using aids, changing position and preventing long-lasting complications
  • Maintain personal hygiene of the patient or user body
  • Measure temperature
  • Chang diapers
  • Pear and comb hair
  • Perform a nail reminder
  • Pear and nourish the foot (diabetes complication)
  • Swim and move the immobile patient
  • Possess cleaning supplies for sanitary napkins.
  • Precipitously wash your hands
  • Disinfect space
  • Provide measures to prevent infections and under the supervision of health workers
  • Apply the basic principles of healthy eating
  • Feed the users
  • Help drug users take medication with the supervision of medical staff
  • Perform elementary work of assistance to the old and helpless person, as well as to specialist health care professionals and related professionals in hospitals, other social institutions, and the home user
  • Provide protection measures at work, safe work, selection of protective clothing and footwear and appropriate protective equipment
  • Recognize patient risk and complications
  • Apply procedures for hygienic maintenance of premises and provision of adequate microclimatic conditions



  • Develop positive attitudes towards health, helplessness and disease
  • Recognize the basic human rights
  • Apply a business bonton
  • Take limited responsibility for performing tasks
  • Develop the ability to understand requirements and work orders set by health or medical staff

Communication, commercial and administrative tasks

  • Communicate with Corse
  • Communicate with medical staff
  • Perform simple administrative tasks – necessary forms, etc.
  • Accept of working activities (oral and written)
  • Communicate with local communities and centers for social work


  • Recognize basic medical terminology
  • Differentiate the basic types of forms in the defensive and the social institution



  • Communicate in oral and written form
  • Understand simple messages in different situations



  • Has communication skills with old, sick and helpless persons, including the recognition of non-verbal signs of communication
  • Establish cooperation with health and social workers

Quality assurance, safety at work, preserving health and the environment

  • Implement occupational safety measures
  • Implement health protection and disease prevention measures
  • Ensure basic principles of health care
  • Contaminate the material
  • Separate medical waste


  • Differentiate methods of desensitisation (mechanical, thermal, chemical)
  • Assess own work



  • Provide work protection measures
  • Use care tools in the prescribed manner
  • Remove dirty laundry



  • Be Inspired by a positive attitude towards the protection measures at work
  • Indicate the appropriate responsibility

2.4 Poželjni stavovi koje se odnose na zanimanje (Desirable attitudes related to the occupation)

This occupation requires a positive attitude towards aging and older persons, impotence and health, implies neatness, hygienic habits, conscientiousness, and willingness to work in the team. Positive features are empathy, conscientiousness, skill and endurance at work.


3.1 Potrebe na tržištu rada (Needs at the labour market)

Health institutions with lying patients, such as clinics and hospitals, social institutions such as retirement homes, older homes, and home care organizations. There are significant needs at the labour market.


4.1 Članovi ekspertne grupe (Expert group members)

  • Bojana Kovačević, diplomirana medicinska sestra, glavna sestra intenzivne njege, JZU Bolnica Trebinje
  • Vesna Šiljegović-Radović, doktor medicine, profesor stručnih predmeta medicinske struke, Centra srednjih škola Trebinje
  • Nijaz Zorlak, magistar odgojnih nauka, Pedagoški zavod BPK-a Goražde
  • Mr. Goran Zmijanjac, diplomirani politolog, direktor Zavoda za obrazovanje odraslih Republike Srpske
  • Dr. Radmila Pejić, pomoćnik ministra za visoko obrazovanje, Ministarstvo prosvjete i kulture Republike Srpske
  • Almin Kaplan, diplomirani medicinski tehničar, profesor higijene i zdravstvenog odgoja i zdravstvene njege, Srednja medicinska škola Mostar
  • Dubravka Letić, viša medicinska sestra, glavna sestra Bolnice Brčko Distrikta
  • Vera Lalić, diplomirani medicinski tehničar, profesor praktične nastave, JU poljoprivredna i medicinska škola Brčko

4.2 Predlagatelji (Proponents)

Competent education authorities

4.3 Web-stranica na kojoj je odluka o usvajanju standarda zanimanja objavljena

(Web-page of the decision on adoption of the occupational standard)


4.4 Rok do kojeg standard zanimanja treba evaluirati (The deadline by which the OS should be reviewed)

5 years


5.1 Specifična zakonska regulativa za zanimanje (Specific regulations for the occupation)

A person within this occupation usually works in a standing position, for the part of the intervention that takes the physical effort needed and can come into contact with the infectious material. Exposure is infected with emotional stress, fatigue, and the like.

5.2 Rizici i radni uvjeti (Risks and working coinditions)

A person within this occupation usually works in a standing position, for the part of the intervention that takes the physical effort needed and can come into contact with the infectious material. Exposure is infected with emotional stress, fatigue, and the like.

5.3 Specifični zahtjevi (Specific requirements)

  • Healthy ability to work with older and disabled persons
  • Communication is desirable