1.1 Naziv kvalifikacije (generički i specifični dio) (title of the qualification; generic and subject specific)

Pekar (Baker)

1.2 Polje po ISCED FoET2013 (Field in ISCED FoET2013)

0721 (Prerada hrane / Food processing)

1.3 ECVET bodovi (ECVET)


1.4 Razina/nivo (Level)


1.5 Uvjeti/načini pristupanja (Entry requirements)

Primary education


2.1 Ishodi učenja (znanja, vještine, kompetencije) (Learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, competences))

Knowledge, skills and competences from CCC


  • Describe technical-technological documentation
  • Describe the chemical, technological, energy and health properties of raw materials in bakery
  • Describe the phases of the technological process in the production of bakery products
  • Explain the simple results of laboratory analysis of raw materials, semi-products and finished products
  • Recognize basic and auxiliary raw materials in milling, bakery and pasta production
  • Describe characteristics and function of basic and auxiliary raw materials
  • Distinguishe the importance and usability of the type of additives in the bakery
  • Describe raw material storage conditions
  • Indicate standards and regulations relating to storage of raw materials and semi-products in the bakery industry
  • Describe the conditions of each stage of the technological process of production depending on the product type
  • Describe the significance and characteristics of individual phases of the technological process of production and of different types of products
  • Describe changes during the baking process
  • Identify the temperature and humidity of the baking depending on the weight of the product
  • Differentiate the cooking time depending on the weight of the product and the firing conditions
  • Choose a recipe for the desired product
  • Differentiate in different ways of replacing, depending on the type of product
  • Apply the process of fermentation
  • Distinguish the benefits of resting the dough in the mass and adjusts the resting time to the selected technological process and the quality of the raw material
  • Compare all ways of dough sharing
  • Apply the technique of dividing the dough-sharing machine
  • Select basic dough molding procedures
  • Differentiate in all ways of dough finishing
  • Apply the technological process of making other bakery products, pasta and fine bakery products
  • Describe machines and devices used in milling, bakery and pasta production
  • Describe the types of machine and machine materials
  • Differentiate functions of machines and devices
  • Describe machine and machine maintenance methods
  • Describe the importance and application of information technologies in the field of expertise
  • Describe processes that take place in the dough during firing
  • Relate the influence of temperature and relative humidity on the baking process
  • Differentiate types of bakery furnaces
  • Describe different types of heat treatment devices
  • Apply different ways of making bakery products with slow or discontinuous fermentation
  • Identify cooling, packaging, storage and distribution conditions in milling, bakery and pasta production
  • Differentiate product changes depending on cooling conditions
  • Describe cooling, freezing
  • Differentiate the process of aging, baking of bakery products
  • Draft of bakery products errors
  • Choose the appropriate packaging depending on the type of product in milling, bakery and pasta production
  • Describe storage conditions
  • Describe packaging regulations for declarations and storage of products
  • Describe regulations in the area of ​​occupational safety, working regulation and environmental protection
  • Describe business communication rules
  • Determine the type and cost structure
  • Apply the standards of consumption of raw materials
  • Use the norms of reporting time
  • Describe regulations and regulations in bakery
  • Describe the basics of bakery product quality
  • Describe basic rules of work organization organization
  • Differentiate protection measures at work
  • Describe protection measures at work and providing first aid
  • Assess the safety of the workplace
  • Describe environmental protection


  • Apply organoleptic methods of control of raw material characteristics
  • Prepare and use of tools, tools, devices and machines in milling, bakery and pasta production
  • Prepare the workplace and checking the correctness of the machine and the device
  • Perform measurements of temperature, pressure, humidity, mass, and the like
  • Calculate the quantity composition of individual raw materials depending on the type of product
  • Apply a recipe for certain types of products
  • Choose and prepare raw materials for the technological process of production
  • Conduct continuous phases of the technological process of production of different types of products
  • Regulate the parameters in the phases of the technological process of supplying different types of products
  • Evaluate completion of individual phases
  • Apply principles of good manufacturing practice
  • Use the process of high quality substitution (adding raw materials, determining the consistency and the temperature of the dough)
  • Control the required temperature of the dough and the area in which the dough “zri” and the time of fermentation (ripening)
  • Form all kinds of bakery products from all types of flour and blends (wheat, corn, rye, mixed, special)
  • Shape dough in bakery baking and other bakery products, pasta, fast-frozen pasta and fine bakery products
  • Produce all bakery products by a special technological process
  • Estimate any irregularities in machine and machine operation
  • Remove minor failures on machines and devices
  • Use information technology
  • Determine the cooking time
  • Follow the baking process
  • Regulate and control the parameters of the baking process
  • Perform operation on a stove
  • Distinguish the baking quality of pieces
  • Recognize defects on the finished product
  • Calculate losses during roasting
  • Differentiate forms of thermal processing of raw materials or finished products (frying, chewing, steaming, drying, blanching, sterilization)
  • Produce baker’s products with controlled fermentation or semi-finished products
  • Estimate cooling, packaging, storage and distribution conditions
  • Adjust the cooling, packaging, storage and distribution conditions
  • Manipulate the finished product
  • Use the appropriate packaging depending on the type of product
  • Pack products
  • Communicate in written and oral form
  • Understand various messages in various situations and for different purposes.
  • Use information technology in communication
  • Govern on the basics of communication in a foreign language
  • Plan and organize a job
  • Calculate the costs
  • Arrange the showcase with bakery products
  • Undertake measures for safe operation in accordance with occupational safety and environmental regulations
  • Demonstrate first aid



  • Be aware of the importance of hygienic and technical maintenance of machines and appliances
  • Use rational raw materials
  • Show responsibility
  • Work independently and innovatively
  • Participate in team work
  • Show awareness of the environmental and health aspects of additives
  • Connect health and nutrition to lifelong learning
  • Show the autonomy and responsibility of handling machines and devices
  • Show the ability to customize
  • Monitor the development of new machines and devices, and information technology in milling, bakery and pasta production
  • Use packaging in a rational manner
  • Recognizes the possibility of injury due to inadequate use of the machine
  • The tendency of the initiative
  • Positive attitude towards change and innovation
  • Show awareness of the importance of occupational safety measures
  • Take responsibility for your own work
  • Represent ecological awareness

2.2 Kriteriji ispitivanja i ocjenjivanja ishodi učenja (Learning outcomes assessment criteria)

  • Ispitivanje i ocjenjivanje dostignutosti ishoda učenja vrši se formativno i/ili sumativno i pokriva sve navedene ishode učenja pod 2.1., te uključuje završni praktični rad
  • Ispitivanje i ocjenjivanje provodi isključivo VET ustanova (škola, centar za obrazovanje odraslih, ispitni centar) registrirana od strane nadležne obrazovne vlasti, koja ima razvijen sistem osiguranja kvaliteta
  • Ispitivanje i ocjenjivanje se obavlja u adekvatnom prostoru i na opremi koja se koristi u praksi u okviru zanimanja pekar
  • Ispitivači o ocjenjivači imaju odgovarajuće kvalifikacije nastavnika, a u domenu ispitivanja i ocjenjivanja praktičnog rada kvalifikacije stručnjaka iz prakse
  • Assessment of learning outcomes is formative and / or summative and covers all mentioned learning outcomes under 2.1, and includes the final practical work
  • Assessment is carried out exclusively by the VET institutions (school, adult education center, examination center) registered by the competent education authority, which has a developed quality assurance system
  • Assessment is carried out in adequate space and equipment used in practice within the profession of baker

Assessors of qualifications have the appropriate qualifications of teachers, in the field of examining and evaluating the practical work of qualifications of practitioners

2.3 Jedinice ishoda učenja i ECVET bodovi (Unit of learning outcomes and ECVET)

  • General subjects 60 ECVET
  • Hygiene and Quality Control 8 ECVET
  • Food Microbiology 4 ECVET
  • Machines and devices 4 ECVET
  • Food technology 24 ECVET
  • Economics and Management 6 ECVET
  • Practical Lessons 74 ECVET


3.1 Potrebe tržište rada (Labour market needs)

This qualification is relevant to the profession of baker, described by the profession of baker’s occupation

3.2 Nastavak obrazovanja/ prohodnost (Further education/progression)

Level 5 – master craftsman, uvjetno – conditional – condition: two years of practice in the profession of bakery

3.3 Druge potrebe (Other needs)

Through this qualification, key competences for lifelong learning are also acquired


4.1 Članovi ekspertne grupe (Expert group members)

Suad Alić – Direktor – JU Srednja škola poljoprivrede, prehrane i uslužnih djelatnosti Sarajevo
Dušan Sarajlić – APOSO
Mirjana Lolić – JU Poljoprivredno-prehrambena škola Prijedor
Suzana Mršić – JU Poljoprivredno-prehrambena škola Prijedor
Adalbert Vonsović – JU Poljoprivredna i medicinska škola Brčko
Eldad Mrkaljević – JU Poljoprivredna i medicinska škola Brčko
Gordana Vuković – JU Centar srednjih škola Trebinje
Milka Kantar – Unija udruženja poslodavaca Republike Srpske
Edin Strukan – Pedagoški zavod USK.

4.2 Predlagatelji (Proponents)

Competent education authorities

4.3 Web-stranica na kojoj je odluka o usvajanju standarda zanimanja objavljena

(Web-page of the decision on adoption of the occupational standard)


4.4 Rok do kojeg standard kvalifikacije treba evaluirati (The deadline by which the QS should be reviewed)

5 years

4.5 Nadležne vlasti za dodjelu kvalifikacije  (Competent authority for awarding the qualification)

Competent education authorities

4.6 Vanjsko osiguranje kvalitete (External quality assurance)

Competent education authorities and pedagogical institutes