1.1 Naziv kvalifikacije (generički i specifični dio) (title of the qualification; generic and subject specific)

Kuhar (Cook)

1.2 Polje po ISCED FoET2013 (Field in ISCED FoET2013)

1013 – hotels, restaurants and catering

1.3 ECVET bodovi (ECVET)


1.4 Razina/nivo (Level)


1.5 Uvjeti/načini pristupanja (Entry requirements)

Completed primary school


2.1 Ishodi učenja (znanja, vještine, kompetencije) (Learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, competences))

Knowledge, skills and competences from CCC


  • Describe the structure of business in the kitchen
  • List the basic rules of organization of work
  • Differentiate foods and other materials needed for cooking
  • Specify equipment and work apparatus
  • Explain the importance of kitchen hygiene
  • Provide proper methods of storing foodstuffs
  • Describe parameters for determining food quality
  • Differentiate the nutritional and energy values ​​of different foods
  • Describe ways to properly combine foods
  • Classify dishes according to different criteria
  • Describe the structure of different menus
  • Differentiate techniques and cleaning products
  • Specify measuring instruments and measuring units
  • Explain ways to properly store different foods
  • Distinguish the techniques of primary thermal processing of foodstuffs
  • Explain the rules and techniques of decorative food processing
  • Describe appetizers, soups, and raspberries
  • List foodstuffs suitable for preparing appetizers, soups and nuts
  • Explain ways of combining foodstuffs in the preparation of appetizers, soups and snacks
  • Specify cooling and thermal processing of foodstuffs
  • Apply tools for decorative food processing
  • Explain the rules and techniques for decorating appetizers, soups and snacks
  • Classify the main dish
  • Arrange foodstuffs suitable for the preparation of main dishes
  • Explain ways of combining foodstuffs in the preparation of main dishes
  • Explain how to combine foods in salads
  • Explain the composition of different salad bowls
  • Explain how to store and maintain the freshness of the salad
  • Prepare groceries for preparing delicacies
  • Explain how to combine food when preparing a treat
  • Specify cooling and thermal processing of foodstuffs
  • Provide techniques for preparing different doughs and creams
  • Provide ways to preserve and maintain freshness of delicacies
  • Explain the rules and techniques of decorating a treat
  • Describe the regulations for the preparation of the portions
  • List the rules for serving, stacking, and combining certain dishes on a plate
  • Explain the rules and techniques for decorating meals
  • Explain the importance of the hygiene of work surfaces and equipment in the kitchen
  • Understand the importance of hygiene protection measures
  • Specify records types
  • Describe the procedure for recording prepared and issued dishes
  • Describe the way and the procedure for receiving and handing over shifts
  • List the basic principles of business communication
  • Recognize how to solve a problem in the collective
  • Point to the importance of teamwork
  • Briefly describe ways of responding to complaints and complaints of the guest
  • List of quality assurance standards (HACCP, etc.)
  • Describe food quality parameters
  • Explain the importance of rational use of time and energy
  • Recognize the importance of control and assessment of its own work
  • Specify sanitary-hygiene regulations
  • Indicate protective measures at work
  • Explain the impact of disinfection and maintenance of environmental hygiene
  • Explain the basics of environmental protection
  • Briefly describe the method of proper sorting of waste during the process



  • Predict the time needed for certain tasks
  • Provide efficient division of work tasks to assistive staff
  • Assess the needs of food and other kitchen materials
  • Apply handling, equipment, inventory, and inventory rules
  • Apply food storage rules properly
  • Prepare your workplace in accordance with the requirements of the work process
  • Apply the principles of proper combination of foods and dishes in the menu
  • Make menus for special nutrition regimens
  • Analyze and update the menu timely
  • Apply proper food preparation techniques
  • Use measuring instruments
  • Apply rules for proper sorting and preservation of foodstuffs
  • Apply decorative food processing techniques
  • Apply cooling and thermal processing of foodstuffs
  • Combine food for preparing appetizers, soups and snacks
  • Prepare cold and warm appetizers
  • Prepare the juices and the juices
  • Apply the rules for preserving appetizers, soups and juices to use
  • Apply cooling and thermal processing of foodstuffs
  • Combine food for the preparation of main dishes
  • Apply custom prepared meals
  • Apply preparation techniques for ready meals
  • Apply Grill Meat Preparation Techniques
  • Apply the apple, apple and vegetable preparation techniques
  • Apply food preservation rules to use
  • Use rationally unwashed foods and meals
  • Apply cooling and thermal processing of foodstuffs
  • Combine food for salad preparation
  • Prepare the appropriate salad bowl
  • Make different foods in stand alone or combined deserts of the appropriate energy value
  • Apply techniques for preparing different doughs and creams
  • Apply techniques for preparing delicious treats
  • Apply the techniques of preparing cold / ice treats
  • Apply the rules and techniques of decorating treats
  • Apply norms for forming meal portions
  • Apply rules and techniques for serving meals
  • Apply rules and techniques for decorating meals
  • Eat a meal based on the order
  • Select appropriate cleaning agents
  • Provides measures for proper cleaning and maintenance of the work surface, tools and devices
  • Apply hygiene protection measures
  • Apply rules for keeping track of records
  • Identify appropriate and accurate data from the work process
  • Enter the data into the prescribed forms
  • Provide the procedure for receiving / submitting the shifts
  • Use professional terminology
  • Establish correct relations in communication with associates and guests
  • Select a way to overcome misunderstandings in communication
  • Apply ways of responding properly to complaints and complaints of the guest
  • Assess the quality of food
  • Apply Quality Standards (HACCP, etc.)
  • Apply the rules of inventory, material, time, and energy usage
  • Apply prescribed procedures for evaluating, controlling, and evaluating your own work
  • Apply new trends in the culinary arts
  • Apply sanitary-hygiene regulations for space and inventory maintenance
  • Apply protective measures at work
  • Apply instructions on the use of equipment and devices
  • Provide measures of personal hygiene and cleanliness of work space
  • Apply waste disposal rules
  • Apply rules and instructions for the use of disinfectants and maintenance of hygiene



  • Rationally uses resources
  • Take responsibility for your work
  • Show willingness to acquire new knowledge and experience
  • Inspire creativity in work
  • Exhibit adaptability to different working conditions
  • Have readiness for team work
  • Inspire communication
  • Have awareness of the importance of safety measures at work and the importance of preserving and protecting the environment
  • Inspire the readiness to follow new trends in culinary arts
  • Inspire by a positive attitude towards professional-ethical norms and values
  • Perform hygiene measures (personal and workplace)

2.2 Kriteriji ispitivanja i ocjenjivanja ishodi učenja (Learning outcomes assessment criteria)

  • Assessment of learning outcomes is formative and / or summative and covers all mentioned learning outcomes under 2.1, and includes the final practical work
  • Assessment is carried out exclusively by the VET institutions (school, adult education center, examination center) registered by the competent education authority, which has a developed quality assurance system
  • Assessment is carried out in adequate space and equipment used in practice within the profession of baker
  • Assessors have the appropriate qualifications of teachers, in the field of practical work of practitioners

2.3 Jedinice ishoda učenja i ECVET bodovi (Unit of learning outcomes and ECVET)

General subjects 60 ECVET
Tourism Geography 4 ECVET
Economics of Business and Economic Mathematics 8 ECVET
Serving 8 ECVET
Cooking and Confectionery 20 ECVET
Knowledge of goods 4 ECVET
Nutrition and Hygiene 4 ECVET
Practical exercise 72 ECVET


3.1 Potrebe tržište rada (Labour market needs)

This qualification is relevant to the occupation of cook

3.2 Nastavak obrazovanja/ prohodnost (Further education/progression)

Level 5 – Chef, Master Craftsman

3.3 Druge potrebe (Other needs)

Through this qualification, key competences for lifelong learning are also acquired


4.1 Članovi ekspertne grupe (Expert group members)

  • Dalibor Krešić, direktor Hotela «Posjedon» Neum;
  • Branislav Timotić, direktor prodaje Hotela «Termag» Jahorina;
  • Senad Halilović, direktor Hotela «Hills» Sarajevo;
  • Denis Fazlić, prof. engleskog jezika i književnosti, stručni savjetnik za Zajedničku jezgru nastavnih planova i programa u Sektoru za stručno obrazovanje i obuku, Agencija za predškolsko, osnovno i srednje obrazovanje BiH;
  • Mirjana Tomić, VKV kuhar specijalista, nastavnica praktične nasatve , Srednjoškolski centar «Petar Kočić» Zvornik;
  • Željka Gavrić, dipl.ecc., nastavnica ekonomske grupe predmeta i praktičen nastave za turističke tehničare, Ugostiteljska i trgovinska škola Doboj;
  • Safet Dajdžić, dipl. turizmolog, nastavnik stručnih predmeta i praktične nastave, Srednja ugostiteljsko-turistička škola Sarajevo;
  • Emir Kauković, dipl.ecc., nastavnik praktične nastave iz turizma i ugostiteljstva, Druga srednja škola Cazin;
  • Milana Krmenjac, turistički tehničar, recepcionerka Hotela Terme San Laktaši;
  • Aida Džaferović, dipl. žurnalista, stručna savjetnica za stručno obrazovanje odraslih, Ministarstvo civilnih poslova BiH;
  • Mr. sc. Viktorija Bešević Čomić, dipl. psiholog, stručni saradnik – psiholog, Federalni zavod za zapošljavanje Sarajevo

4.2 Predlagatelji (Proponents)

Competent education authorities

4.3 Web-stranica na kojoj je odluka o usvajanju standarda zanimanja objavljena

(Web-page of the decision on adoption of the occupational standard)


4.4 Rok do kojeg standard kvalifikacije treba evaluirati (The deadline by which the QS should be reviewed)

5 years

4.5 Nadležne vlasti za dodjelu kvalifikacije  (Competent authority for awarding the qualification)

Competent education authorities

4.6 Vanjsko osiguranje kvalitete (External quality assurance)

Competent education authorities and pedagogical institutes