1.4 Međunarodna kvalifikacija (International classification)
1.5 NIVO POTREBNIH KVALIFIKACIJA (Level of required classification)
2.1 OPIS ZANIMANJA (description of the occupation)
The food processor carries out work in the processing of fruits and vegetables, brewery, wine-making and production of strong alcoholic beverages and other food processing industries.
2.2 Grupa poslova / ključni poslovi / aktivnosti (Group of tasks / key tasks / activities)
2.3. Potrebna znanja, vještine i kompetencije (Required knowledge, skills and competence)
Preparation and organisation of work
Participate in the reception, storage and preparation of raw materials and raw materials
Organize own work and work with smaller groups
Overview of operating instructions and technical documentation (work order, laboratory reports, technical-technical instructions by product type, start-up time, type of technological process)
Prepare the workplace
Provide personal hygiene and hygiene of work space and workplace
Prepare the workplace and working resources (raw materials, machines, equipment and tools, checking and adjusting the microclimate conditions)
Specifie raw material and raw material
Identify organoleptic properties of raw materials
Explain the concept and types of maturity of the raw material
Establish basic microbiological processes
Describe the necessary conditions for storing raw materials
Differentiate raw material preparation processes
Explain the meaning of regulations and standards
Participate in the purchase of raw materials and raw material from suppliers
Perform sampling and selection of raw materials based on organoleptic properties
Assess the degree of maturity of the raw material
Adjust the temperature, humidity and light in the storage
Prepara raw materials by product types
Identify the raw material crash
Take into account the regulations and standards in working with materials
Use measuring instruments
Demonstrate independence and responsibility in the work
Show communication capability
Indicate readiness for team work
Monitor all achievements in the food industry (applying food standards)
Operational tasks
Conduct the production process of various semi-products and products
Produces different products of plant origin
Perform organoleptic quality control
Participate in packaging and storage of semi-finished products and products
Describe machine materials and elements
Differentiate ways of processing raw materials
Identify the properties of semi-products and products
Describe the basic processes of producing different products
Describe the type, texture and importance of microorganisms
Describe the meaning of microbiological processes in nutrition
Describe standards (ISO, HACCAP, HALAL, …) for manufacturing various semi-products and products
Describe sampling procedures for raw materials (semi-products), raw materials, products during production and finished product for analysis
Indicate the organoleptic characteristics of raw materials and raw materials and finished products
Explain the consequences of microbiological processes on product quality
Differentiate parameters for storage of products and semi-products
Differentiate types of packaging material and packaging
Differentiate ways of packaging
Name means of transport
Describe standards for packaging and storage
Use a variety of raw materials and supplies
Serve machines and production equipment
Participate in creating the conditions for launching technological production lines
Use different ways of preserving
Notice failure of the semi-finished products and products
Perform work tasks in accordance with standards (ISO, HACCAP, HALAL, …) of production of various semi-products and products
Perform sampling
Perform organoleptic examination of raw materials (semi-products), raw materials, products during production and finished products
Notice defect in the semi-finished product or finished product
Rationally uses storage space by surface and height
Set the storage parameters
Serve filling and packaging machines
Pack semi-finished and finished products
Use a suitable type of packaging
Transport in the production and storage process
Skilfully manipulate machines in the warehouse
Applies standards as per packaging and storage instructions
Show the readiness to handle various accessories, equipment, machines and devices
Communicate skillfully
Indicate readiness for teamwork
Show the economy in operation
Monitor all achievements in the food industry (applying food standards)
Indicate readiness to solve on-site problems
Be inspired work independence
Take responsibility for personal work
Is capable of solving on-site problems
Be inspires+d accountability and skill in work
Communication, commercial and administrative tasks
Communication with superiors, associates and clients (customers, clients)
Communicate with his superior
Communicate with associates
Communicate with clients
Raw material supply
Participate in the procurement of raw materials
Completing the working documentation
Complete warehousing and production reports
Describe business communication rules
Describe the type and cost structure
Describe marketing and market
Differentiate basic and working assets
Communicate in written and oral form
Use information technology in communication
Govern on the basics of communication in a foreign language
Have tendency of the initiative
Have positive attitude towards change and innovation
Quality assurance, safety at work, preserving health and the environment
Maintain personal hygiene, equipment hygiene and work space
Apply protective measures at work and environmental protection
Explains the importance of personal and general hygiene
Differentiate means for personal hygiene, equipment hygiene and work space
Describe hygiene standards
Arrange measures and explain the importance of safety at work
Observe safety and environmental laws and regulations
Use proper personal hygiene agents and disinfectants
Use proper personal protection means (gloves, mantil, dezobar …)
Maintain the hygiene of equipment and work space with proper use of the means
Apply hygiene standards
Apply safety protocols
Apply instructions on safe operation on machines
Use personal protective equipment (as specified by the applicable regulations)
Undertake emergency measures and participate in providing first aid
Dispose of proper waste
Shows self-confidence in maintaining personal hygiene and hygiene of the drive
Monitor all achievements in the food industry (applying food standards)
Demonstrate awareness of the need for security and accountability
Be inspired work independence
Indicate responsibility for the implementation of occupational safety and environmental protection measures
Indicate readiness for self-improvement
2.4 Poželjni stavovi koje se odnose na zanimanje (Desirable attitudes related to the occupation)
3.1 Potrebe na tržištu rada (Needs at the labour market)
There are significant labor market needs
4.1 Članovi ekspertne grupe (Expert group members)
Suad Alić – Direktor – JU Srednja škola poljoprivrede, prehrane i uslužnih djelatnosti Sarajevo
Dušan Sarajlić – APOSO
Mirjana Lolić – JU Poljoprivredno-prehrambena škola Prijedor
Suzana Mršić – JU Poljoprivredno-prehrambena škola Prijedor
Adalbert Vonsović – JU Poljoprivredna i medicinska škola Brčko
Eldad Mrkaljević – JU Poljoprivredna i medicinska škola Brčko
Gordana Vuković – JU Centar srednjih škola Trebinje
Milka Kantar – Unija udruženja poslodavaca Republike Srpske
Edin Strukan – Pedagoški zavod USK
4.2 Predlagatelji (Proponents)
Competent education authorities
4.3 Web-stranica na kojoj je odluka o usvajanju standarda zanimanja objavljena
(Web-page of the decision on adoption of the occupational standard)
4.4 Rok do kojeg standard zanimanja treba evaluirati (The deadline by which the OS should be reviewed)
5 years
5.1 Specifična zakonska regulativa za zanimanje (Specific regulations for the occupation)
5.2 Rizici i radni uvjeti (Risks and working conditions)